Body Therapy Center invites you to enjoy a re-energizing full body massage. Our dedicated massage therapists are ready to transform your pain and relieve your stress.
Each session is tailored to your individual needs. Choose from Deep Tissue Massage that relieves profound muscular pain, or select a relaxing massage such as Swedish Massage and Shiatsu Massage, or even Sports Massage for the serious athlete. Body Therapy Center not only makes you feel good, but we also help stimulate a positive change to your body.
At Body Therapy Center, we approach our therapeutic massage sessions by analyzing the cause of reported problems. We then target muscles and soft tissues that may be injured or affected. We also believe that educating you on the pain you’re suffering and what may be causing it is extremely important. Our goal is to foster recovery so you experience lasting results. Massage sessions at Body Therapy Center are the perfect complement to your existing wellness program.